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About the Commission

The Executive Ethics Commission is a nine-member commission committed to promoting ethics and good government in the State of Illinois. Five commissioners are appointed by the Governor, and one commissioner each is appointed by the Attorney General, Secretary of State, Comptroller, and Treasurer. No more than five commissioners may be of the same political party. The Commission meets at least once a month, every month, to perform its duties under the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (“Ethics Act”). . The Commission, including its staff, are responsible for:

  • conducting administrative hearings on alleged violations of the Ethics Act
  • preparing public information to facilitate compliance with ethics laws
  • providing guidance to Ethics Officers
  • receiving and publishing reports from the State’s Executive Inspectors General
  • receiving reports of ex parte communications from Ethics Officers
  • reviewing and approving annual Ethics and Harassment and Discrimination Prevention trainings for all executive branch employees
  • reviewing and approving gift ban exception requests in accordance with Executive Order 15-09
  • appointing and providing administrative support services to the State’s Chief Procurement Officers
  • appointing the Director of the Illinois Power Agency  
