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On Tuesday, March 18th, 2025, three executive inspector general investigation reports were published to the Executive Ethics Commission's website. Please visit the EEC's publications section, which is available here, to view a copy of this decision.

Gift Ban Exception Request Form

Agencies and employees subject to Executive Order 15-09 may not claim Gift Ban exceptions #4 (Educational Materials and Missions) or #5 (Travel Expenses to Discuss State Business) unless the exceptions comply with the provisions of 2 Ill. Admin. Code 1620.700, the Prohibited Source makes or arranges payment or reimbursement directly with the agency, and the trip is approved in advance by the Executive Director of the Executive Ethics Commission.

Note: The button below will take you to an external site (DocuSign) to complete the request. The information provided in the DocuSign form fields will automatically be placed into the form (sample below). Upon completion, DocuSign will forward the form for the necessary signatures.

Below is a blank sample of the document produced by the provided DocuSign form.
