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On Tuesday, March 18th, 2025, three executive inspector general investigation reports were published to the Executive Ethics Commission's website. Please visit the EEC's publications section, which is available here, to view a copy of this decision.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Megan Ryan is the Freedom of Information officer for the EEC.

FOIA requests may be submitted by Mail:

Executive Ethics Commission
401 S. Spring St.
516 Wm. Stratton Building
Springfield, IL 62706



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The Freedom of Information Act allows State agencies to charge certain fees for fulfilling FOIA requests. No fees shall be charged for the first 50 pages of black and white, letter or legal sized copies requested by a requester. The fee for black and white, letter or legal sized copies shall not exceed 15 cents per page. 5 ILCS 140/6. The EEC is committed to fulfilling requests electronically where practicable.
